Time definitely flies and events succeed one another very rapidly. I find I have be very remiss in updating my website and intend to do much better from now on. Several announcements:
Preston Shires, Saved by the Bullet, August 2019. This is the second book in the Brownville Mystery Series and we find the spunky Adeline Furlough dissatisfied with the verdict given for the murder of an entire family that took place before she arrived in Brownville. Although she is hampered in her investigation by the visit of acquaintances she wishes had not come, she manages to unearth enough clues to alarm the murderer and put her own life in danger.
Sylvie Shires, Moose's Head, January 2020. This mystery is set in Edinburgh in 1825 at a time when Edinburg Medical School was leading the way in Medicine. The need for cadavers to study in anatomy classes is dire, but cadavers are hard to come by, legally that is. This gives rise to the unsavory "body-snatchers" who make a profitable business digging up freshly buried bodies to sell them, discreetly, to some of the doctors at the medical school. Although she lives some distance away from Edinburgh, in Melrose Abbey, Alethea Livingstone, the rector's daughter, becomes very suspicious when a succession of sudden deaths takes place in her village. When a family friend is attacked, his last words point her to Dr. Percy Callaghan, before the disappearance of young Toby Kirkpatrick spurs her into action. Dr. Percy Callaghan's life was busy but well-ordered before Alethea enters it and turns it upside down. He does not pause to question his readiness to help her, but keeping her safe proves a constant challenge as they come closer to unmasking a mastermind murderer and his henchmen.
Preston Shires, Campus Menace, September 2020 Professor Tristan Telsmith is an adjunct professor of History at Aspinwall College and a dedicated atheist. Cambria Davenport, one of his best students, is a dedicated Christian, who is not afraid to voice her beliefs or to challenge Tristan's. These two opposites joined forces, however, when beautiful Tasia Everett disappears. Tasia had seemed more interested in flirting than in debating theology or learning history, but the postcard her roommate received announcing her decision to quit school does not ring true. Who could have killed her and where is the body? The book is a delightful mix of mystery and wit. It also provides a mini-guide in apologetics and common-sense responses Christians can posit to atheists' most frequent arguments against Christianity. It is funny and yet profound, and peppered with colorful supporting characters. A very unique read, not to be missed!
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ July 21st 2019 Preston (my talented husband) just finished reading to me the first draft of his next novel (second in the Brownville Mystery series) called, "Saved by the Bullet" and I can't wait to see it in print! Now I am asking him ("pestering him to get started" might be a more accurate description) when he is going to start on the third one. . . I so hate waiting!